Development works are complex in nature also the operating environment is usually difficult. These require a stronger and more developed management structure than for-profit businesses. With more increasing scrutiny of Government, regulating bodies, Communities, Donors on Ngo’s activities, NGOs need to develop a more effective, reliable operating system. Quality Management System will help NGOs to be more reliable, accountable, beneficiaries oriented and also help to identify the potential risk and helps to plan the necessary mitigation plan. More this process approach-based system will help in identifying all the process minutely and supports managing this process more effectively with regular self-assessment plan and continuous improvement. Some of the points how NGOs could be benefited from the Quality Management system are outlined below:
- Structuring institutional memory: (Documentation of each process in the organization be instructive to people who join the organization, to those in other departments or branches of the organization as well as external partners (where appropriate). The institutional memory is complemented by the clear definition of the overall mission (as defined by the quality policy) and how this is to be achieved (the quality objectives) provides structure by defining who is involved in each procedure and which other procedures it might interact or interfere
- Provides structure for the management of Each quality procedure details the departments and other quality procedures that are affected, thus change does not occur in isolation. Effective change management is of particular importance to development organizations given the complex interaction between actions and outcomes
Leadership involvement. Process based approach Risk-Based Thinking
Ensures all need and expectation of interested parties are met Continuous improvement