Entries by IIQA

IQA with Joint Initiation with ICA Nepal Launches ”Fundraising for NGOs in Nepal” as an innovative approach to supporting Local Based NGOs, CBOs, researcher.

IIQA is focused on low-cost technology innovation as an initiative to support local communities. In this regards, IIQA in collaboration with ICA Nepal launches web- based portal www.fundraisingforngos.com . This portal  is the grant directory aiming to bridge the information gaps between the donors and grant seekers. Besides providing the various international and national donors, […]

Internal Audit Training On Iso 9001:2015 For Co-operatives Professionals

IIQA with collaboration with Suvarna Consultant of India and MOODY Inspection and Assurance, Bangladesh conducted a  3  days  virtual Internal Auditing training on ISO 9001: 2015 from 27th to 29th November 2020. This training was structured for the participants from the co- operatives sector of Nepal. The main reason for focusing this sector was that […]

Handover Certification

  Institute of Innovation and Quality Assurance, (IIQA) hand over an ISO 9001:2015 certification to RIMC and Best Himalaya. IIQA representative hand over this certification to these organizations on the behalf of MOODY Inspection and Assurance. These were handed after the conformance with the requirement of ISO 9001:2015 standard guideline. RIMC was certified on the […]

Webinar on conducting Environmental Assessment  as per EPA and EPR

IIQA conducted a webinar on Conducting Environment Assessment as per EPA 2076 and EPR 2076 of Nepal as an approach to make economic development project, environmentally sound and sustainable. The expert from the subjective area was invited as guest speaker for the session and this was attended by more than 100 participants who were professional, […]

Internal Audit  Training For Iso 9001:2015 Implementer

IIQA organized an internal audit training on ISO 9001:2015 from Jan. 22-24, 2021 to the representatives from organizations implementing and Certified ISO 9001. The main objective was to develop their competency for conduction of ISO 9001 Internal Audit as per the requirement of clause effectively and also be able to meet the compliance of the […]